Varna, Bulgaria
Rakovski Str. 80

tel.: +359 52 611 410
mob.: +359 886 212 524

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
from 13.00 - 19.00 h
Tuesday and Thursday
from 9.00 - 15.00 h

Rest assured, bad breath or halitosis is very common but unfortunately bacteria hide in the areas that you miss when you clean your teeth and also on the back of your tongue.

You can also get transient bad breath from diet (e.g. garlic, onions etc.). Fortunately, most dietary causes can be masked by mouthwashes or mints.

Smoking is another culprit. By drying your mouth, it makes the smell worse and also builds up tar and nicotine inside your mouth.The first thing you can do for bad breath is to brush and floss correctly to remove the bacteria that are producing these gases. You can also clean your tongue using your toothbrush or a special tongue scraper. If these simple measures fail, then professional cleaning of your mouth is the answer and can often the person with it is often unaware that they have it.

Discussing bad breath is a sensitive topic.
An easy test for bad breath is to take some floss and use it between two teeth. When you have done this look at it. It will most likely have some plaque on it, take a careful sniff. If you can smell anything than so can some one else!

Our hygiene team can help anyone overcome this problem by carefully assessing your needs and working with you to achieve fresh breath confidence.

90% of bad breath comes from the mouth, where bacteria produce gasses which have a rotten egg smell. These make a dramatic difference in your confidence


Plaque is the name given to a film of bacteria, which is constantly forming on all teeth. Plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease. It is a soft colourless substance that is difficult to see until the coating becomes thickened. It collects on the surfaces of teeth next to gums and between the teeth. With time residual plaque becomes hardend and this is known as calculus (tartar).

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is inflammation of the gum caused by plaque and calculus. The effect of this inflammation, over a period of time, is to cause the gums to recede. Recession occurs not only on the outside but also invisibly on the inside where the gum meets the tooth. In this way recession can cause pockets to develop between the teeth and gums. Once there are pockets, plaque accumulates inside them and accelerates the disease process. That's why gum disease is more difficult to treat once it has become established - this is caused periodontitis.

Who suffers from gum disease?

Almost everybody has some gum inflammation but we all react differently to the presence of plaque and calculus on the teeth. This means that some of us suffer quite badly from recession even though there is little plaque or calculus present. Generally speaking though, the cleaner your teeth are mouth and the less calculus and plaque you have, the less gum disease you will suffer from. There are some other factors such as smoking, prescription drugs or poor health that cause an increased predisposition to gum problems. Your dentist or hygienist will be able to advise on this.

It is important to note that incorrect tooth brushing can also damage the teeth and gums. The hygienist is trained to spot the tell-tale signs and to help you to make the necessary corrections to your daily routine.

How do I prevent gum disease?

There are two main aspects of prevention - home care and hygienist treatment:

  • A good oral hygiene routine at home is the most important part of prevention, but your needs differ as time passes and the mouth changes. That's why you'll need new oral care techniques during different phases of life. The hygienist will monitor your oral health and provide the most appropriate general advice and personal guidance.
  • The second aspect of prevention is scaling, this is carried out to remove any build-up of calculus both above and below the gum line. Calculus can't be removed with brushing and the suitably trained member of the dental team to perform scaling is the hygienist. After the scaling it is usual to have a polish, which will leave your teeth feeling fresh and clean.

What can a dental hygienist do for me?

A hygienist's main duty is to prevent and treat gum disease with scaling, polishing and root planing (which may be under local anaesthetic) to remove the calculus and plaque. Hygienists can also apply medications and solutions to your mouth and gums to inhibit bacteria. The hygienist will demonstrate correct flossing and brushing techniques as well as inter-dental cleaning. Dietary advice and other information such as how to give up smoking is also given. Research has shown that patients who regularly visit the hygienist, suffer from less dental problems in the long term.

How often should I visit a hygienist?

There is no set time period for hygiene treatment, as every patient has different needs. Recall frequencies are tailored to personal requirements. For example, in the case of advanced gum disease you may need a course of treatment consisting of four visits over the same number of weeks, followed by once a month for a year. Alternatively, if you have a healthy mouth, the recommended recall period could range from three to twelve monthly intervals.